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You and me we come from different worlds
I remember when I first told my daddy about you and he said .. "he's a Yankee... I bet he's a liberal too!" he he... how wrong he was. And, now today we are a month away from tying the knot, from becoming Mr. and Mrs.! And I can't even explain how excited I am. It's funny you know Shayne and I have a couple songs that really mean a lot to us, and that's how the title of this blog came about. That is a line from Hootie's "only wanna be with you".. how true that is .. Shayne and I did come from two totally different worlds, but oh how true it is that I only wanna be with him. I met Shayne in 2006 at an orientation for Summershine, and I thought he was precious right from the start, he seemed genuine, and real! However, we won't talk about the fact that I was dating someone at the time, all that needs to be known is that from the moment I met Shayne I knew he was special. Then a couple months later, my mama and I pull into the Summershine house and here he comes down the steps to greet me. He graciously helped us unload all of my stuff, and assured my mama that he'd look after me that summer, still for whatever reason I was in a relationship. I'm sure you know though that the relationship quickly fizzled as the summer got started, and I was hurt... because for once since John I had trusted someone again and let my guard down, and allowed my heart to open... and then what do you know it ends again. It was hard on me, being in a leadership position and needing to stay strong when I all I wanted to do was fall apart. Because this person I trusted, I trusted that he loved God and Me and he let me down. So, of course I didn't tell any shiners when it happened, and that weekend I had to leave for a special wedding back at home, so it was easy to not tell people. However, Shayne knew it, he could tell it... he has always been able to read me. He didn't say anything until I returned and he still said more through his actions then his words, he knew !'d talk to him when I was ready. For the rest of that summer Shayne and I fell in love,but as friends first. We fell even more in love with God and with each other through all that God was showing us. I knew from that first day, that he would be very special to me. Never did I really see how hard I'd fall for him. All that summer we spent time together, learning each other and new things about life, love and God. We'd write encouragement notes to each other, and hang out on our days off. Of course the world was shouting from the roof tops... they're dating they're dating. But, we both knew in our hearts how important our relationship/friendship was and there was nothing either of us would of done to jeopardize it's potential. So we laughed as they talked and continued to pray together, play together and be FRIENDS. As the summer drew near to close we knew we both felt the same, but me being the stronger willed of the two.. i ignited us dating. It was the best decision of my life. Shayne and I dated for four months, and then realized we loved each other but we were not together on a lot of things in life, and we took a break. It was the hardest time in his life to watch me walk away, but it didn't take him long to realize I hadn't gone far. A lot of things happened in his life while I was gone, things that were/ are hard and things that truly built character. Every since things have still being falling apart around him, but there two constants in his life, and he knew it in his heart that those two were, his relationship with Christ and his relationship with me.... which both grew stronger while we were apart. While we were on a break I too built my relationship with God stronger, and my actions and thoughts not only revolved around what would Jesus do, but also What will Shayne think? I knew from a summers night watching field of dreams that in that moment I had met my husband. I wasn't sure how long it'd take to be his wife, or the road we'd travel to get there, I just knew he was it. And, as we are a month away from saying I do, I just wanted all of you to know how incredibly awesome Shayne Frank Wilkinson is. Hes the kind of man, that doesn't say much but says so much. He avoids confrontation and guards people's hearts, even if he has to take the punches to do so he is one of the most humble and gentle men I know. He has a genuine love for people, and a precious little goofy personality that makes him Shayne. He's in love with Jesus, and me and with that what more can I ask for? Summer of 06 will always be the summer of my life, the summer that changed everything. And, as for me and Shayne we're just getting started on keeping those SW² dreams alive. I hope that if you're reading this you've met the person God made just for you, the person that makes you wanna be better, and encourages you daily. If you haven't I pray you're OK with that because trust me God, has that person out there so don't waste your time looking for them ... let them find you. Cause I sure wasn't looking for Shayne, but he found me. And, praise God for that!
Wow baby, that is incredible. You make me feel so very special. And I know you're the writer of the two of us and that I'm not the best at sharing what's on my heart like you do, but I'm gonna try to match you and write something special about you too! Love you and can't wait to see you tomorrow.
Happy 10 month anniversary and one month countdown!
This is sweet =) I'm happy for the both of you
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