Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Vote- if your conscience allows!

So, today is the so called "big" day... the day when teachers cancel class, and people stand in ridiculous lines to have their voice or opinion if you will "heard". Let me just say right now, that if you are voting in this election this blog is not meant as a judgment upon you rather just a different view toward today's event. I personally have chose not to vote in this years national election, I will be going home to cast votes for local and state level elections. But, for me it is not about the right or the left, or the black man vs. the woman...it's about God... Jesus rather and living a life in faithfulness to him. I am a huge fan of Derek Webb, and as I was reading his blog this morning I realize that people do still take a stand for their conscience.. for the inner voice of "God" that leads them into decision making. When the campaign first began in the early part of the year I was on board with Ron Paul, a man who most didn't take seriously and thought to be "crazy". However, Ron Paul stands for the common good of OTHERS and that's little we can say for most candidates. I am not going to go off a political tangent of who's right and who's not because after all we don't all see things the same. However, back to Derek Webb, I am attaching his blog on "shall then should we vote" in hopes that you will actually read it. By reading that you will see where I am coming from in saying that I do not agree with the stance, and moral character of either candidate, and I do not have HOPE in any MAN. My hope is my Father, who made a real sacrifice for me, and my desire is to follow his will. In doing so, I feel it is a personal responsibility of mine, to care and love my neighbor deeply, and in that I need no politician. It is obvious that the world we live in is corrupt, and people are slapping bumper stickers for Obama and McCain right and left on their cars, instead of Vote for Jesus, or Vote for what is RIGHT, or Don't vote stickers. It is sad to me that our decisions as a country are based solely on which candidate is going to benefit me and my family most, instead of our whole country! It is disturbing that people would cast votes because she is an intelligent woman or because he is a black man. It is unmoving to know that people will take quite a stance against abortion, but yet think its cosure to deprive others of a better life because of their nationality. I am not a fan of "God Bless America" and" I'm a republican because I'm a Christian"... I don't buy into any Christian that would be selfish enough to wish God's blessings only upon their own country, or to claim to agree with a political platform because for some odd reason they interrupt Jesus as a Republican! Jesus was NOT a republican or a democrat.. Jesus was a man of his conscience and a man who only did what was right simply because it was RIGHT. By this I once again am NOT condemning anyone who voted, as long as you voted with a moral perspective and a faithful conscience... I just simply cannot vote because my conscience says no. And, my attempt here should of been made yesterday in hopes to catch you before you go to the polls and have you really sit down and think, pray over your decision of your "legal" right to cast a vote. Is it worth it? Are you sitting there confidant over the choice you made, or are going to make??? It's just a thought...

Derek Webb's thoughts on this:


Britt said...

Thanks for posting this...it makes me feel a lot better about my decision not to vote in this election.

Anonymous said...

so, I voted in this election. I registered a couple of months ago, and have never done it. However, I did struggle with the who and why and things of the like. First of all, because I'm definitely not a political activist, and didn't do a whole lot of research. However, I didn't make my decision based on what the candidates said about taxes or how they would improve the economy, or if they were going to lower gas prices. Which is crazy that most people base that as their top reason for choosing a candidate. You are absolutely right, God's in control, and no MAN will come anywhere close to being my savior or king or ruler of my life, except God Himself. I knew, either way, I would still be living in a free country, with religious freedom, and that's more than enough that God needs to do amazing things through our leaders, whoever they might be.

You can't surprise God. He will always win. And I'm happy to worship a God who will always come out on top, no matter who the president is! Just be ready to see how God will continually be glorified through this, because he is sovereign and powerful.